Emergency Tel: 211 5157

      About Us

      We are proud to offer you the best services and facilities modern medicine can offer.

      The Chisty Shifa Clinic is a multispeciality private clinic located in the heart of Port-Louis. The clinic was inaugurated in April 1996 by the then President of the Republic of Mauritius. The clinic is managed by a Board of Trustees of the Islamic Medical Trust, comprising of members of the Islamic Medical Association and Mauritius Muslim Orphanage. Chairman of the Trust was Dr. Hassam Gareeboo, and the first and actual Medical Director was Dr. Dawood Oaris. Some of the members having actively taken part in the foundation of the clinic are Dr. M. Anwar Husnoo, Dr. Siddick Mauderbocus, Dr. Abu Kasenally, Late Mr. Hassam Moedeen and Late Mr. Mamode Khan Domun.

      Late Dr. Hassam Gareeboo, a laureate and well acclaimed physician in the country, has been a fatherly figure in the organisation, and has been the Chairman of the Trust till his demise in 2014.

      Dr. Dawood Oaris, a Consultant ENT Surgeon, has been the first and most long lasting Medical Director of the Clinic, and also the Chairman of the Islamic Medical Trust. He has over 50 years of experience as a doctor and surgeon, both in the public sector and the private sector, thus developing his passion and dedication to the medical profession. He has been a Consultant at ENT Hospital, Advisor at the Ministry of Health, Chairman of the NGO Trust Fund, Professor Emeritus in ENT, at SSR Medical Centre and currently President of Private Clinics Association.

      Dr. Akbar Oaris, a devoted healthcare practitioner, has been the Associate Medical Director of the Clinic since 2016. His passion for the clinic and Medicine has helped tremendously in the latest improvement of the modern infrastructure and latest equipment purchase to offer a better quality of service. 


      The evolutions of Chisty Shifa Clinic since 1996.

      • 05 April 1996 (Hijri – Dhu Al Qadr 15/1416)

        Inauguration of the Chisty Shifa Clinic by H.E. The President of the Republic, Mr Cassam UTEEM, in the presence of the Chairman of the Islamic Medical Trust, Dr Hassam GAREEBOO.

      • 2006 & 2016

        Computerised Tomography Scanner aka CT Scan:

        • August 2006 – FTM Single Slice CT Scanner
        • Dec 2016 – Siemens 16 Slice CT Scanner
      • 2017

        Medical ward renovated and fully operational

      • June 2021

        Upgraded Clinical Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment

        • Nihon Kohden Automated Haematology Analyser complete with standard accessories and reagents. Origin: Japan
        • Biotecnica Clinical Chemistry Analyzer. Origin: Italy
        • Thrombotimer 2 Semi Automated Coagulation Analyser. Origin: Germany
        • Electrolyte Analyser. Origin: Japan
        • Laboratory Stereo Microscope
      • April 2022

        • Intensive LED Phototherapy Tunnel for Newborn
        • Neonatal Bubble CPAP
        • Infant Warmer
      • May 2022

        ZEISS OPMI Pico ENT Microscope for ENT & Obs/Gyn surgeries

      • July 2022

        Medi System Mobile Universal Operating Table

      • Nov 2022

        Introduction of New Ambulance Vehicle

      • March 2023

        Introduction of Phacopen, Video laryngoscope and C-ARM for Operating Theater


        Chisty Shifa Clinic's management team ensures the excellence of the clinic.

        Chisty Shifa Clinic Medical Directors

        Dr Dawood OARIS: 1996 - 2001

        Dr Hassam GAREEBOO: 2001 - 2013

        Dr Dawood OARIS: 2013 - Present 

        Executive Members of the Chisty Shifa Clinic

        Dr Dawood OARIS

        Dr Hassam GAREEBOO

        Dr M. Anwar HUSNOO

        Dr Siddick MAUDARBOCUS

        Mr Mohamad Khan DOMUN

        Mr Dawood Khan DOMUN

        Mr Cader MOEDEEN

        Mr Youssouf Mahomed KURREEMAN

        Mr Tajoodeen AZMATALLY

        Mr Mohammad I. A. Nazroo

        Room Sponsors of the Chisty Shifa Clinic

        A.Abdulla Ahmed

        Adam Sulliman Moollan

        I.Bemat and family

        Sakoor Maudarbocus Family

        Shimjee family

        Waqf Manjoo Goga Atchia

        Late Abdulla Joonas

        Late Hussein Suhotoo

        Late M. Aniff and Fatma Husnoo

        Late Yousouf Goburdhun
